How to use mantra meditation in a busy & complex life.


now you must have clear knowledge of mantra meditation. In order to meditate using mantra meditation you should use following:(1) Read the general instruction on meditation (including do's and don'ts)(2) Choose a mantra. Below I have described in detail three mantras. You can use either of them.(3) Allocate 30 minutes for mantra meditation. Though early morning or late evening is best time, you can chooses any time as per your convenience. In those 30 minutes, 20 minutes will be for chanting (repeating) the mantra and the last 10 minutes for being watchful of your inner consciousness.(4) Sit comfortably at a quiet place.Close your eyes.Start chanting the mantra (either silently or loudly ).Repeat the mantra with faith and respect.Repeat it with the full awareness of its meaning.Keep chanting the mantra for 20 minutes. (You may use an alarm clock for keeping track of time).After 20 minutes....stop chanting. Be quiet. Keep sitting silently.The mantra will keep echoing.

posted by VICKY @ 10:00 PM, ,

Symptoms of Black Magic


Black magic puts a block on a person's wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem go fruitless. One feels a mental block, gets disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and negative thoughts. The person or persons might do something or go through many actions and cannot give reason why they have done what they did. There is no reasoning behind their actions. They will get angry without reason or justifications with people they love and care for. These people on whom the black magic spell is put will feel that they are not getting their due and can achieve much more. They will feel suffocated & restless in all circumstances. They are never at peace and they will remain depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live & rise in life.

posted by VICKY @ 9:58 PM, ,


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