Guru Yantra
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Tantram Mantramayam Proktam Mantraatmaa Devateiv Hi.
Dehaatmanoryathaa To Bhedo Yantra Devataayostathaa.
The body of the deity is known as Yantra and without worshipping a Yantra the deity cannot be appeased.
Guru Yantra is capable of removing all pains, afflictions and problems of one's life.
Just as there are houses for humans to live in similarly the deities too have special places earmarked for them. The pious home of a deity is known as Yantra. Yantras are also called as Devnagars or cities of deities in the texts. Not only the deity rather all His assistant ethereal beings and his powers live in the Yantra.
Thus Guru Yantra is not just a collection of strange lines rather it is the home to all the powers of the Guru. Without understanding this fact, success in Sadhanas remain doubtful. When invited to do so the Guru comes to reside in such a Yantra and helps the Sadhak fulfil all his wishes through His blessings.
Guru is the greatest treasure of the life of a disciple with the help of which the disciple ever remains prosperous. No soones does he make a wish the next moment it gets fulfilled. Although the first boon of Guru Sadhana is a spate of problems which are nothing but tests of the Guru to assay his faith, yet one who passes through these tests without complaining gains all that there is to in this life.
It is only after one has been through such tests that Guru finds a permanent place in one's heart. Only then does the true knowledge devolve upon a disciple on its own, only then does a disciple dive into the ocean of divine joy and only then do all paucities of his life disappear.
Without Guru Yantra success in no Sadhana is possible. A real Guru, his Guru Mantra and a consecrated, Mantra energised Guru Yantra is obtained when the fruit of one's Sadhanas, sacrifice, devotion and faith manifests.
The texts are evidence to it that merely by placing the Guru Yantra in one's house all problems and obstacles are removed and one starts to make quick progress to the highest echelons of success. It is only when a disciple becomes devoted and faithful that a Guru gifts him Guru Yantra. Every disciple should surely have a Guru Yantra in his home.
'Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan August 2000 '68'
Every issue of "Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan" magazine contains detailed description of various Sadhanas and prices of specified Sadhana articles. International Prices of some Sadhana articles, books, cassettes etc. are listed on our website. You may also contact Jodhpur Gurudham on email/telephone/letter/fax to get the prices.
All kinds of material problems can be solved by performing Sadhanas and taking Dikshas. You may perform Sadhanas yourself to ward off malefic effects of bad planets and to counter the black magic done against you. You should perform Sadhanas yourself after taking Diksha to attain material and spiritual upliftment. Sadhana is the only way to get Divine help to resolve tensions & problems of material life and attaining spiritual elevation.
The chances of success in Sadhanas are increased manifold by taking Diksha as during Diksha, Revered Gurudev transfers a part of His own spiritual penance power into the disciple to steer him towards success. Guru Diksha is the basic foundation for spiritual and material success.
You need to take Guru Diksha before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Guru Diksha is the first step of spiritual initiation. When you apply for Guru Diksha, you get a Guru Pitambar(shawl to wear while performing Sadhana) and one year subscription of "Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan" magazine free along with Guru Diksha.
You should also take specific Diksha for this Sadhana to achieve complete success in this Sadhana.
You may either get Diksha from Gurudev personally or the Diksha may be granted on a photograph. The photograph should be a recent one, and can be of any size. However the face should be clearly visible on the photograph.
The Diksha is granted free of cost by Revered Gurudev.However, a token amount is charged for each Diksha which goes towards charitable causes through Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali Foundation International Charitable Trust Society.
Each issue of Mantra Tantra Yantra vigyan magazine contains detailed information on various rare and quickacting Sadhanas. You may click here for subscription information.
You may refer to our Frequently Asked Queries section to clarify general doubts about Sadhanas and Dikshas. You may also send us an email/letter/fax to Jodhpur Gurudham for further guidance. Our email address is
Ideally you should meet revered Gurudevs personally to discuss about your problems & plans and obtain guidance. Only revered Gurudevs can advice you about the most relevant Diksha and Sadhana for you depending upon your aptitude and ability. You may meet revered Gurudevs during the Sadhana camps. Owing to busy schedule of Revered Gurudev, it is not possible to meet Gurudev everyday in Delhi/Jodhpur Gurudham. Every month, some days are reserved and scheduled for meeting in Delhi Gurudham and Jodhpur Gurudham. These details are listed in the monthly magazine Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan and are also available here. You may meet revered Gurudev on other days also. Please check by telephone about availability before going to the Gurudham. You should attend the Sadhana Camps to perform Sadhanas directly under revered Gurudevs' guidance.
You should contact the Jodhpur Gurudham for getting Sadhna articles/books/cassettes etc. by post. Alternatively, you may buy them over the counter from our Delhi Gurudham or from the counters at the Sadhna Camps.
All the Sadhna articles (Rosaries, Yantras etc.) are consecrated and energised by our pundits during auspicious moments for particular Sadhna. We do "Prana Prathistha" of all the Sadhna articles and make them more energised by performing specific "Cheitanya Puja" on all the articles. So, the chances of success in the Sadhna are increased manifold.
If you live in India, then you may send us a email/letter/fax mentioning your address and details of required items. We will send it by VPP. Alternatively, as VPP rates have increased recently, you may send us a Bank Draft of "Total cost of items" plus Rs. 60 (postage charges), then we will send the items by registered post. Please note that the Postage Charges for Paarad (mercury) items will be more (around 20-30% of cost) due to exceptionally high weight.
Sadhaks living in other SAARC countries (Nepal/ Pakistan/ Sri Lanka/ Bangladesh/ Bhutan/ Maldives/ Burma) can get Sadhana articles/books/cassettes etc. at the Indian price by sending a bank draft. Please add around 20-30% as Postal charges. Please note that the Postage Charges for Paarad (mercury) items will be more (around 30-40% of cost) due to exceptionally high weight.
If you live outside India/other SAARC countries, then you may purchase the Sadhna articles/books/cassettes etc. at the International Price by sending a bank draft. The overseas postage & handling charges are included in the International prices.
posted by VICKY @ 5:49 PM,
The Real Concept Of TANTRA
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The Real Concept Of
A hypothesis and the principles derived out of it make the rock bottom of any systemised knowledge. When the same principle is ascertained as law, it is rendered the form of pure science. Now it is clear that science is the knowledge brought under general principles through minute analysis and experimentation.
Tantra is an eminent science having thousands of principles. In fact, it is the system of our life and a science of practice and practical knowledge. Through Tantra, we can attain superb powers by attracting and deriving the divine faculties pervading the entire cosmos. The aspirant of Tantra makes his internal capacity sharp and intensely forceful just like a magnet. This science is the process of activating the various dormant vital glands and Chakras of the astral form, present inside the human body. It makes us aware of the truth that a person can get liberation from his own subjugation, can achieve immense power and even with the physical body present, can free himself from his body and expand his faculties infinitely.
Each and every element of the nature is associated with the other. Every action has a definite basis and for that action, there also exists an equal and opposite reaction. This uninterrupted succession of atomic process is going on in our atmosphere. Formation of water vapours, rain from the clouds due to attraction between positively and negatively charged atoms, storms, tempest and earthquakes, all are interrelated to each other.
Tantra is the process of intensification of our peculiar inner potentialities so that we can command this atomic arrangement which in other words is known as 'Siddhi'. The flow of energy is going on ceaselessly in the environment and when your own inner energy becomes capable of influencing the external ones, nothing will remain impossible for you and this is the science of Tantra in which the aspirant's wish is first and foremost.
Fear of Tantra is baseless
The notions of an ordinary person about Tantra are not worthy to mention as this science of power has been misused very much. Those who are quite conversant with Tantra, by awakening their internal cosmic faculties, acquire knowledge to progress ahead and by activating the internal Chakras become ultimately successful in attaining Self realisation and thereby Supreme Bliss, whereas the imperfect Tantriks focus their attention towards the leftist part which hitherto has been utilised by such Tantriks in causing pain and harm to others and in achieving sensual enjoyment. Thus they involve themselves in a wrong direction. Although they can cause damage to the common men, yet eventually such Tantriks undergo severe sufferings and their lives get highly miserable.
This is human nature that every person focuses his attention first on the bad aspect of any subject and not on the virtuous one. This attitude proves harmful to them. As I have said earlier that Tantra is a process of activating internal cosmic faculties of the invisible world and making them favourable for oneself. During this process, that vigorous energy at first affects the person who is trying to overpower it and if at that time the aspirant does not get frightened, the divine energy itself behaves like a slave and then performs all the miraculous deeds at the will of the aspirant. To explain further I am citing an illustration- If you go outside during winter without wearing woollen clothes, what will happen? The frozen particles of cold wave will fall violently upon you and you will fall sick. But in case you are totally prepared- you have a healthy physique covered with woollen clothes, cold cannot affect you in any way and you will proceed ahead without any fear. The same is the case with Tantra. If you are not afraid, have the required equipment and also a sound knowledge then Tantra is the easiest way for you to acquire the divine powers.
To emerge successful in Tantra, fearlessness as well as elevation of inner consciousness are absolutely essential because in this Sadhana, the power is to be evolved from within.
Confidentiality in Tantra
In our ancient scriptures, there is great emphasis on the fact that the real Tantra should be kept confidential. What is the reason behind this secrecy? If this science has got usefulness, it should be popularised and propagated everywhere, every person should have its knowledge. But this is not the case. What is the reason behind it?
The real Tantra and its secrets were passed on verbally by the competent Guru to his disciples only. The disciples memorised that science and also got realisation of 'Siddhi' but the Guru got his disciples to promise that this knowledge would be granted to only those who really deserved it. So they had this relevant argument behind their secrecy. As I have written above that every action has equal and opposite reaction. For example if you disturb anyone - tease a dog, bull or snake, it will certainly attack you. You should have strength to fight them and ultimately bring them under your control. The same is true for Tantra. If a suspicious, weak and fearful person starts Tantra Sadhna, he on experiencing some distress or crisis, generally leaves it midway and thus puts himself in danger due to reversible reaction of the Sadhna because at that moment the inner energy of the aspirant is feeble and so is easily overpowered by the external forces. This is the reason why only a competent Guru is capable to impart the knowledge of Tantra. A Guru minutely and completely analyses the disciple and on getting assured that his disciple would never misuse that power, he starts teaching Tantra Sadhna. Immediately after getting success, the aspirant becomes very much energetic and his vigorous activities must be utilised for public welfare as well as for Self Realisation and not for causing harm to others.
Due to the afore mentioned reasons, the methods of Tantra Sadhnas have been written incompletely, or in symbols and one, who performs Sadhna according to what is written in scriptures can never be successful as the complete knowledge can be attained only through the guidance of a Guru.
How Tantra became a taboo
What then happened in between that has made Tantra a taboo today ?
Perusal of the past reveals that after Gorakhnath pseudo gurus like Bhayanand started the misuse of Tantra and thus got introduced vile practices like meat eating, sex and money spinning into the system. These false Tantriks not just used these rather expounded that without them success is impossible in field of Tantra. These unconscientious one's even stooped so low as to resort to drinking, rape and swindling.
It was then but natural for the common man to keep distance from such practicers who were unfortunately more in number than real masters of Tantra. Soon society began to shun Tantra and a belief was generated that Tantra itself is a vile practice and has no useful applications in life.
But the problem was not with Tantra rather with the charlatans who used Tantra as an excuse to give vent to their beastly cravings. In fact Tantra is a science that can instill totality in life. A question may arise that when there are Mantras to procure divine blessings why do we need Tantra?
Wise and capable persons do not come to their conclusions in a moment, but only after a careful analysis of any thing. When the left wing of Tantra got predominant and those, who were keen to do these leftist Sadhnas for their petty and selfish ends, did not get success, they turned into big critics of Tantra and only those persons created misconceptions about Tantra.
Apart from this, the British education and Moghal's culture had an attack on the fundamental elements of Indian society i.e. religious rites, Mantra, Tantra etc. They were aware of the fact that this great science of Vedas, Upnishads and Mantras was responsible for the highly elevated Indian culture, so they thought that if they circulated misconceptions against this science, the Indian people would spontaneously become slaves and unfortunately they succeeded in their evil mission. It should be remembered that psychological subjugation is more dangerous than physical one and this was the mental dependence which caused our deterioration from the heights of prosperity.
The objective of 'Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan' is to present the proper and complete knowledge of these occult sciences in simplest form before the people so that they themselves verify it and emerge successful in life through it's use. Only then this science will flourish and we will get deliverance from mental over subjugation and will also regain our self respect and an exalted spiritual stature.
The Real Benefits of Tantra
Tantra is basically the source of energy and if you master this science, you can easily conquer your materialistic obstacles, other persons can be influenced by you and their activities can be channelised according to your own will. The harmful effects of planets, influences of an evil eye and evil spirits can be removed. It is also helpful as a remedy of mental tension, unbearable pain and other physical and psychological ailments. The scope of Tantra is very wide including Vashikaran, Maran, Ucchattan, Hypnotism, Divine Vision etc., which in many ways are beneficial in modern life.
In fact, Tantra leads to the path of self surrender and it pertains to all the aspects of physical and parapsychological life. Life, a divine gift bestowed upon by the Almighty can be fully purposeful by regenerating one's inner creative faculties and giving 'Karma', a predominant role in our lives and this is the genesis of life's purposefulness and success.
An unchallenged master of Tantra himself, Gurudev's Sadhana discourses often pivoted on this science and he once said :
"One who fears Tantra cannot be a human ; and a Sadhak he never can be. In the times of Guru Gorakhnath Tantra was a much respected science popular in all stratas of society for it has in it solutions to all problems of life.
Actually Mantra is a prayer, it is a request put to the concerned deity to help one. But it is not necessary that the deity shall be moved by one's plea. On the other hand if one uses Tantra one could compel the divine power to help. Tantra in fact is a guarantee that the concerned deity shall without fail have to shower its blessings.
A prayer may fail to touch the heart of the deity but Tantra forces it to grant the desired boon. The Sadhanas in Tantra and Mantra methods might appear similar yet Tantra is a thousand fold more powerful and unfailing.
Tantra gains all the more significance in the present times when every person has no spare time on hands. One cannot be expected to devote several hours each day to long Sadhana procedures. Today every one wishes for instant success and Tantra sure can bring it ; for Tantra means performing a Sadhana by a special meticulous procedure. Nothing is left to chance and all aspects are taken care of, so that success is sure and instant.
Still if due to human weakness some imperfection creeps into the Sadhana or Mantra chanting there are no negative results as is often (wrongly) believed by most people. Only result shall be that the desired wish shall not be fulfilled, but then one could try again.
Tantra is a jewel of the Sadhana world that can solve quickly and effectively all problems of human life like poverty, misery, unhappy married life, being childless, jobless, failure in business or health and so on. To resort to Tantra means adopting a sure way to success."
posted by VICKY @ 5:45 PM,
The Sri Yantra The Provider Of Good Fortune
Eastern Beliefs In Creating Good Fortune The Most Auspicious Of All Yantras
What Is A Yantra? And, How It Can Help Your Prosperity & Your Daily Life.
YANTRA literally means
"support" and "instrument". A YANTRA is a geometric design acting as
a highly efficient tool for contemplation, concentration and
meditation. YANTRAS carry spiritual significance : there is a
specific meaning that pertains to higher levels of consciousness.The YANTRA provides a
focal point that is a window into the Absolute. When the mind is
concentrated on a single, simple object (in this case a YANTRA), the
mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the object is dropped when the
mind can remain empty and silent without help. In the most advanced
phases, it is possible to attain union with the higher spiritual
Realms by the geometric visualization of a YANTRA.The YANTRA is like a
microcosmic picture of the MACROCOSM. It is a focusing point and an
outer and inner doorway. The YANTRAS are often focused on a specific
deity and so. by tuning into the different YANTRAS you can tap into
certain deities or creative force centers in the universe.
The Sri Yantra AboveShri yantra is said within
the vedas, to be of the greatest general use and has prime
importance. It is reputed to give fulfillment of ambitions for
power, financial gain and influence. It also will give popularity to
politicians, military officials, and monarchs who desire to be loved
by the people.
Sharing Haring Kaling Haring
Mahalakhmaya Namaha"This Yantra, also called
"Sri Chkra" can be found in all south Indian temples and most
individual's homes. It is often used when the sun is badly afflicted
in an individual's horoscope as the sun represents the physical
body, and the eternal soul. "Surya Namaskar" (worship of the deity
of the sun planet) must be performed for one week. the yantra is
best inscribed in gold, silver or copper, and once puja has been
completed should be worn on a Monday morning.
YANTRAS are usually
designed so that the eye is carried into the center, and very often
they are symmetrical. They can be drawn on paper, wood, metal, or
earth, or they can also be three dimensional.The most celebrated
YANTRA in India is the Sri YANTRA, the YANTRA of Tripura Sundari. It
is a symbol of the entire cosmos that serves to remind the
practitioner of the non difference between subject and object.
How do YANTRAS work ?At the basis of YANTRA
operation is something called "shape energy" or "form energy". The
idea is that every shape emits a very specific frequency and energy
pattern. Examples of old believes in shape energy are the YANTRAS
and mandalas of eastern philosophies, the star of David, the five
pointed star (pentagon), the Christian cross, the pyramids and so
on. Certain 'powers' are ascribed to the various shapes. Some have
'evil' or negative energies and some 'good' or positive energies,
but in YANTRA Yoga only the benefic and harmonious energies are
used.When one focuses on a
YANTRA, his mind is automatically "tuned in" by RESONANCE into the
specific form energy of that YANTRA. The process of RESONANCE is
then maintained and amplified. The YANTRA acts only as a "tune in"
mechanism or a doorway. The subtle energy does not come from the
YANTRA itself, but from the MACROCOSM.Basically YANTRAS are
secret keys for establishing RESONANCE with the benefic energies of
the MACROCOSM. Very often the YANTRAS can put us in contact with
extremely elevated energies and entities, being of invaluable help
on the spiritual path.YANTRAS are poorly known
in the Occident
At this moment, there is
little known about YANTRAS in the Western world. Many people
consider them just pretty pictures and some artists claim to draw "YANTRAS"
from their imagination. They are very far from the true meaning and
use of YANTRAS. First of all, YANTRAS cannot simply be invented from
imagination. Every specific mood and emotion has an associated form
energy and shape. This unequivocally determines the form of the
YANTRA associated to that mood. The traditional YANTRAS were
discovered through revelation, by clairvoyance, not invented. One
needs to be a true spiritual master, a Tantrik guru, to be able to
reveal a new YANTRA to the world.Search the Internet and
the libraries and you will find very little consistent knowledge
about YANTRAS. Some people placed YANTRAS upside down, a monument of
their ignorance. You cannot place a YANTRA just any way you please.
Anyone knows that when the cross is held upside down, it is no
longer a benefic symbol. A YANTRA put upside down is no longer the
same YANTRA."Dissecting" a YANTRA
The power of YANTRAS to
induce RESONANCE is based on the SPECIFIC FORM of its appearance.
Such a diagram can be composed from one or more geometrical shapes
which combine into a precise model representing and transfiguring in
essence, at the level of the physical universe, the subtle sphere of
force corresponding to the invoked deity. From this point of view we
can argue that the YANTRA functions similarly to a MANTRA (sacred
word). By RESONANCE, a certain energy from the practitioner's
MICROCOSM vibrates on the same wavelength with the corresponding
infinite energy present in the MACROCOSM, energy which is
represented in the physical plane by the YANTRA. The principle of
RESONANCE with any deity, cosmic power, aspect, phenomenon or energy
owes its universal applicability to the perfect correspondence
existing between the human being (seen as a true MICROCOSM) and the
Creation as a whole (MACROCOSM).The Yantric Contour
Every YANTRA is delimited
from the exterior by a line or a group of lines forming its
perimeter. These marginal lines have the function to maintain,
contain and prevent the loss of the magical forces represented by
the core structure of the YANTRA, usually the central dot. They also
have the function to increase its magical and subtle force.The core of the YANTRA is
composed of one or several simple geometrical shapes : dots, lines,
triangles, squares, circles and lotuses representing in different
ways the subtle energies.The Dot (BINDU)
For example the dot (BINDU)
signifies the localized energy and its intense concentration. It can
be envisaged as a kind of energy deposit which can in turn radiate
energy under other forms. The dot is usually surrounded by different
surfaces, either a triangle, a hexagon, a circle etc. These forms
depend on the characteristic of the deity or aspect represented by
the YANTRA. In the tantric iconography, the dot is named BINDU; in
tantra BINDU is symbolically considered to be SHIVA himself, the
source of the whole creation.The Triangle (TRIKONA)
The triangle (TRIKONA) is the
symbol of SHAKTI, the feminine energy or aspect of Creation. The
triangle pointing down represents the YONI, the feminine sexual
organ and the symbol of the supreme source of the Universe, and when
the triangle is pointing upwards it signifies intense spiritual
aspiration, the sublimation of one's nature into the most subtle
planes and the element of fire (AGNI TATTVA). The fire is always
oriented upwards, thus the correlation with the upward triangle -
SHIVA KONA. On the other hand, the downward pointing triangle
signifies the element of water which always tends to flown and
occupy the lowest possible position. This triangle is known as
SHAKTI KONA.The intersection of two
geometric forms (lines, triangles, circles, etc.) represents forces
that are even more intense than those generated by the simple forms.
Such an inter penetration indicates a high level in the dynamic
interaction of the correspondent energies. The empty spaces
generated by such combinations are described as very efficient
operational fields of the forces emanating from the central point of
the YANTRA. That is why we can very often encounter representations
of MANTRAS in such spaces. YANTRA and MANTRA are complementary
aspects of SHIVA and their use together is much more efficient than
the use of one alone.The Six Points Star (SHATKONA)
A typical combination often
found in the graphical structure of a YANTRA is the superposition of
two triangles, one pointing upwards and the other downwards, forming
a star with six points (SHATKONA), also known as David's Star. This
form symbolically represents the union of PURUSHA and PRAKRITI or
SHIVA-SHAKTI, without which there could be no Creation.The Circle (CHAKRA)
Another simple geometrical
shape often used in YANTRAS is the circle, representing the
rotation, a movement closely linked to the shape of spiral which is
fundamental in the Macrocosmic evolution. At the same time, the
circle represents perfection and the blissful creative void. In the
series of the five fundamental elements it represents air (VAYU
Between the simple
geometrical elements that compose YANTRAS there is also the square (BHUPURA).
The square is usually the exterior limit of the YANTRA and
symbolically, it represents the element earth (PRITHIVI TATTVA).Every YANTRA starts from
the center, often marked by a central dot (BINDU) and ends with the
outer square. This represents the sense of universal evolution,
starting from the subtle and ending with the coarse, starting from
"ether" and ending with "earth".Even tough most of the
times YANTRAS are composed of these simple geometrical shapes,
sometimes we encounter other elements such as arrow points,
tridents, swords, spikes included in the design of a YANTRA with the
purpose of representing vectors and directions of action for the
YANTRIC energies.The Lotus (PADMA)
The lotus symbol (or its
petals) is both a symbol of purity and variety, every lotus petal
representing a distinct aspect. The inclusion of a lotus in a YANTRA
represents freedom from multiple interference with the exterior
(purity) and expresses the absolute force of the Supreme Self.In conclusion, a YANTRA is
a very complex spiritual instrument in the tantric practice (SADHANA).
It can calm and focus the activities of the mind, and by its
positive auto-suggestion it has a benefic impact on the health and
psychic well being of a person.A YANTRA alone represents
nothing. Only when it is awakened by mental concentration and
meditation will the process of RESONANCE appear and the benefic
macrocosmic energies will manifest themselves in the practitioner's
As we showed above, the
secret key to using YANTRAS in meditation is RESONANCE. The process
of RESONANCE is established by mental focus on the image of the
YANTRA. As long as the mind is tuned into the specific mood
associated to that YANTRA, the energy flows, but when the RESONANCE
is stopped, the energy disappears.
The Sri Yantra The Tara Yantra
Instructions for YANTRA meditation :Hang the YANTRA on a wall
facing North or East, placing the center of the YANTRA at the level
of your eyes. Adopt your favorite posture or, if you want, sit on a
chair maintaining your spine straight. Breath in through the nose
and out through the mouth, but do not force at all, just let the
breath flow normally,Look into the center of
the YANTRA, trying to blink as rarely as possible; you don't want to
look at the particular details of the YANTRA, just keep your sight
right in the center and observe the whole YANTRA at once this
exercise should last at least 15-30 minutes every day; the
experience will be indescribable in time, after at least seven days
of YANTRA meditation you will be able to tap into the same yantric
energy even without a YANTRA (at the beginning you may fix your
sight on an exterior or imaginary point or evoke the YANTRA with
your eyes closed) do not forget to consecrate the fruits of this
practice to God (karma yoga); you should not chase any objective
when doing YANTRA meditation, just let it gradually guide you
towards the sublime energies of the MACROCOSM when executing this
techniques it is recommended that we maintain a state of aspiration
and intense longing for experiencing the beatific energies of the
in superior phases the YANTRA
absorbs the practitioner's complete attention, and he can no longer
tell if the YANTRA is within himself or if he is within the YANTRA;
this is the state of non duality.HOW MANTRAS ARE USEFUL All
our are problems are self created. Usually they are the outcome of
our Karma’s and the reasons can be checked from the individual
Horoscope. One's subconscious mind can help to find the solution
through meditation and recitation of Mantras. Purity of thoughts,
words and deeds, sincerity and deep seated. Belief in repeating
Mantras systematically and without any stress or strain on the brain
or body is the keynotes for the efficacy of Mantras.Concentrate and Meditate
without having any desires in mind. The Mantra should be recited
softly so as to be audible only to be person concerned and not to
others. Mantras should be recited in a pleasing musical tone, which
will help in concentration.Continuous Sadhana will
enable the Sadhaka to find solutions to the problems, attaining
peace of mind, reducing mental strain.FOOD: The Sadhaka should
have a light meal, hot and well cooked and in small quantity, as
over eating leads to the excitement of the sensory organs which
aggravate passions.Onions, Garlic and Meat
have stimulating effects on the sensory organs and will do more
harms to the body than good. Intoxicates and smoking of any kind
should be avoided.Lack of control in the
diet is a great obstacle to progress. Small quantities of wholesome
food purify the mind and a pure mind retains the memory of God. This
Asana is very useful to acquire Sidhi. Place one heel at the anus
and keep the other heel at the root of generative system. The feet
or legs should be so arranged that the ankle joints should touch
each other. Hands should be placed straight on the knee joints. Sit
for 15 minutes with closed eyes concentrating on God. This ASANA is
useful in curing rheumatism and keeps the mind and body in order.
focused if not closed, on the space between eyebrows (TRIKUTY).PADMA ASANA Place the
right foot on the left thigh and then carefully bring the left foot
on the right thigh. This is the physical position for the spiritual
process. One must press the tongue against the teeth and chin
against Heart. The sight should be focused on the tip of the nose.
Breathing should be slow. It destroys diseases.PRANAYAM Pranayam removes
all diseases, purifies the Nadis, steadies the mind in
concentration, improves digestion and increases the appetite. It
helps awaken the Kundalini. Sit in Padma or Sidhi Asana. Close the
right nostril with the thumb. Draw in the air very slowly through
the left nostril. Then do it likewise with the right nostril. Retain
the air as long as you can comfortable. Then exhale very slowly,
through the nostril after removing thumb or finger. Do 20 rounds in
the morning and in the evening. Increase it gradually.TRATAKA This involves
steady gazing at a particular point or object without blinking to
increase concentration. It is a very effective method to control the
mind and improve the eyesight and develop will power. It can be done
by concentration one's attention on a black or white dot on the
wall, a picture or on OM etc.POOJA: Diva or Deity
should be kept in one's mind while reciting the mantra. Each mantra
has tremendous force and draws maximum benefits. This can be
performed in three ways: - 1. Vaikhari (Verbal) by speaking loudly.
2. Upamsu (Whispering). 3. Mansik (Mental). 4. AGNI HOTRA: Homa is
performed with fire in accordance with prescribed ritual.
Yantras and PranapratishtaThe classical tantrik
surfaces are gold, silver, copper and Vishnu stone (shalagrama). The
point or bindu at the center generally represents the deity, Shiva
and Shakti united. The triangle normally represents the three gunas,
or in the case of the tantrik tradition, the three bindus. Triangles
usually face downwards in the case of female Yantras and upwards in
male Yantras. Enclosing circles and a group often surrounds
triangles or groups of petals, in which are the attendants of the
Devi or Diva. Finally, the whole is often enclosed in a Bhupura, a
word that means earth city. These are the enclosing walls, fenced by
the guardians of the directions and the intermediate directions (dikpalas).
Giving Life to a Shree CHAKRABefore any Yantra is a
suitable object for puja, it must be given life (pranapratishta).
The rite installs the 35 tattvas into the Yantra. It also gives the
Yantra the full set of senses and the Antahkarana, or subtle body.The Yantra Gayatri is
Yantra Rajaya Vidmahe Maha Yantraya Dhimahi Tanno Yantrah
are the Rishis of this great mantra installing life into the Shree
Yantra; Rg, Yajur, Sam and Atharva are the Metres; Consciousness is
the Devata; Aim is the Bija, Hreem the Shakti, Kroom the Kilaka.
Lakshmi The Deity Of Wealth -
Brings Good Fortune, Wealth, & Prosperity.
Lakshmi Mantra:
"Om Sri
Mahalakshmiaya Namaha"
THE TARA SADHANA FOR WEALTHThe chief among the ten
Mahavidyas or the powerful forms of Shakti, Tara bestows one with
wealth and prosperity. For thousands of years Her Sadhanas have been
popular among Rishis and Yogis, because once it is done with full
concentration success is sure to come and all one's materials
desires are fulfilled.This sadhana also bestows
Siddhi of Tara Mahavidya, which is a great spiritual achievement.
Also materially one gains all that to gain.THE SADHANA
Quick success is attained
if the Sadhana is started from Akshaya Trieeyaa or a Sunday. At
night have a bath, get into red robes and sit on a red mat facing
the South. If you don't have a red robe, then get into comfortable
clothing, and sit on a cushion on the floor. Cover a wooden seat
with red cloth and on it place a Tara Yantra. Next make seven heaps
of Sulfur in a row and on the fourth place an oil lamp. Mustard or
sesame oil could be used, these you can get at your health food
store. Before the lamp place a Tara Vastnaabh in a copper place.
First bathe it with water. Wipe it dry and offer it rice grains on
it. With a match stick write the following Mantra on the Tara
Vastnaabh with vermilion.
After this, light the lamp and some incense and with a red coral
rosary chant the following mantra:
Aum Ayiem Ka La Hreem Ayeim Taaraayei Siddhim Dehi Dehi Om Ayeim Ka
La Hreem Ayeim Namah.60 rounds of this mantra
have to be chanted daily for six days. The sixth day when the
Goddess appears pray to Her with folded hands to fulfil all your
wishes and gift you with gold daily. After six days place the Tara
Yantra in your place of worship and wrapping the Tara Vastnaabh in
the red cloth place it in some safe spot at home. Thus the Sadhana
is accomplished and soon one gains all that one wishes for.Without doubt this Sadhana
is nothing short of a miracle and whoever tries it faces no paucity
in life. Every Sadhak should try and accomplish it. literally means
"support" and "instrument". A YANTRA is a geometric design acting as
a highly efficient tool for contemplation, concentration and
meditation. YANTRAS carry spiritual significance : there is a
specific meaning that pertains to higher levels of consciousness.The YANTRA provides a
focal point that is a window into the Absolute. When the mind is
concentrated on a single, simple object (in this case a YANTRA), the
mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the object is dropped when the
mind can remain empty and silent without help. In the most advanced
phases, it is possible to attain union with the higher spiritual
Realms by the geometric visualization of a YANTRA.The YANTRA is like a
microcosmic picture of the MACROCOSM. It is a focusing point and an
outer and inner doorway. The YANTRAS are often focused on a specific
deity and so. by tuning into the different YANTRAS you can tap into
certain deities or creative force centers in the universe.
The Sri Yantra AboveShri yantra is said within
the vedas, to be of the greatest general use and has prime
importance. It is reputed to give fulfillment of ambitions for
power, financial gain and influence. It also will give popularity to
politicians, military officials, and monarchs who desire to be loved
by the people.
Sharing Haring Kaling Haring
Mahalakhmaya Namaha"This Yantra, also called
"Sri Chkra" can be found in all south Indian temples and most
individual's homes. It is often used when the sun is badly afflicted
in an individual's horoscope as the sun represents the physical
body, and the eternal soul. "Surya Namaskar" (worship of the deity
of the sun planet) must be performed for one week. the yantra is
best inscribed in gold, silver or copper, and once puja has been
completed should be worn on a Monday morning.
YANTRAS are usually
designed so that the eye is carried into the center, and very often
they are symmetrical. They can be drawn on paper, wood, metal, or
earth, or they can also be three dimensional.The most celebrated
YANTRA in India is the Sri YANTRA, the YANTRA of Tripura Sundari. It
is a symbol of the entire cosmos that serves to remind the
practitioner of the non difference between subject and object.
How do YANTRAS work ?At the basis of YANTRA
operation is something called "shape energy" or "form energy". The
idea is that every shape emits a very specific frequency and energy
pattern. Examples of old believes in shape energy are the YANTRAS
and mandalas of eastern philosophies, the star of David, the five
pointed star (pentagon), the Christian cross, the pyramids and so
on. Certain 'powers' are ascribed to the various shapes. Some have
'evil' or negative energies and some 'good' or positive energies,
but in YANTRA Yoga only the benefic and harmonious energies are
used.When one focuses on a
YANTRA, his mind is automatically "tuned in" by RESONANCE into the
specific form energy of that YANTRA. The process of RESONANCE is
then maintained and amplified. The YANTRA acts only as a "tune in"
mechanism or a doorway. The subtle energy does not come from the
YANTRA itself, but from the MACROCOSM.Basically YANTRAS are
secret keys for establishing RESONANCE with the benefic energies of
the MACROCOSM. Very often the YANTRAS can put us in contact with
extremely elevated energies and entities, being of invaluable help
on the spiritual path.YANTRAS are poorly known
in the Occident
At this moment, there is
little known about YANTRAS in the Western world. Many people
consider them just pretty pictures and some artists claim to draw "YANTRAS"
from their imagination. They are very far from the true meaning and
use of YANTRAS. First of all, YANTRAS cannot simply be invented from
imagination. Every specific mood and emotion has an associated form
energy and shape. This unequivocally determines the form of the
YANTRA associated to that mood. The traditional YANTRAS were
discovered through revelation, by clairvoyance, not invented. One
needs to be a true spiritual master, a Tantrik guru, to be able to
reveal a new YANTRA to the world.Search the Internet and
the libraries and you will find very little consistent knowledge
about YANTRAS. Some people placed YANTRAS upside down, a monument of
their ignorance. You cannot place a YANTRA just any way you please.
Anyone knows that when the cross is held upside down, it is no
longer a benefic symbol. A YANTRA put upside down is no longer the
same YANTRA."Dissecting" a YANTRA
The power of YANTRAS to
induce RESONANCE is based on the SPECIFIC FORM of its appearance.
Such a diagram can be composed from one or more geometrical shapes
which combine into a precise model representing and transfiguring in
essence, at the level of the physical universe, the subtle sphere of
force corresponding to the invoked deity. From this point of view we
can argue that the YANTRA functions similarly to a MANTRA (sacred
word). By RESONANCE, a certain energy from the practitioner's
MICROCOSM vibrates on the same wavelength with the corresponding
infinite energy present in the MACROCOSM, energy which is
represented in the physical plane by the YANTRA. The principle of
RESONANCE with any deity, cosmic power, aspect, phenomenon or energy
owes its universal applicability to the perfect correspondence
existing between the human being (seen as a true MICROCOSM) and the
Creation as a whole (MACROCOSM).The Yantric Contour
Every YANTRA is delimited
from the exterior by a line or a group of lines forming its
perimeter. These marginal lines have the function to maintain,
contain and prevent the loss of the magical forces represented by
the core structure of the YANTRA, usually the central dot. They also
have the function to increase its magical and subtle force.The core of the YANTRA is
composed of one or several simple geometrical shapes : dots, lines,
triangles, squares, circles and lotuses representing in different
ways the subtle energies.The Dot (BINDU)
For example the dot (BINDU)
signifies the localized energy and its intense concentration. It can
be envisaged as a kind of energy deposit which can in turn radiate
energy under other forms. The dot is usually surrounded by different
surfaces, either a triangle, a hexagon, a circle etc. These forms
depend on the characteristic of the deity or aspect represented by
the YANTRA. In the tantric iconography, the dot is named BINDU; in
tantra BINDU is symbolically considered to be SHIVA himself, the
source of the whole creation.The Triangle (TRIKONA)
The triangle (TRIKONA) is the
symbol of SHAKTI, the feminine energy or aspect of Creation. The
triangle pointing down represents the YONI, the feminine sexual
organ and the symbol of the supreme source of the Universe, and when
the triangle is pointing upwards it signifies intense spiritual
aspiration, the sublimation of one's nature into the most subtle
planes and the element of fire (AGNI TATTVA). The fire is always
oriented upwards, thus the correlation with the upward triangle -
SHIVA KONA. On the other hand, the downward pointing triangle
signifies the element of water which always tends to flown and
occupy the lowest possible position. This triangle is known as
SHAKTI KONA.The intersection of two
geometric forms (lines, triangles, circles, etc.) represents forces
that are even more intense than those generated by the simple forms.
Such an inter penetration indicates a high level in the dynamic
interaction of the correspondent energies. The empty spaces
generated by such combinations are described as very efficient
operational fields of the forces emanating from the central point of
the YANTRA. That is why we can very often encounter representations
of MANTRAS in such spaces. YANTRA and MANTRA are complementary
aspects of SHIVA and their use together is much more efficient than
the use of one alone.The Six Points Star (SHATKONA)
A typical combination often
found in the graphical structure of a YANTRA is the superposition of
two triangles, one pointing upwards and the other downwards, forming
a star with six points (SHATKONA), also known as David's Star. This
form symbolically represents the union of PURUSHA and PRAKRITI or
SHIVA-SHAKTI, without which there could be no Creation.The Circle (CHAKRA)
Another simple geometrical
shape often used in YANTRAS is the circle, representing the
rotation, a movement closely linked to the shape of spiral which is
fundamental in the Macrocosmic evolution. At the same time, the
circle represents perfection and the blissful creative void. In the
series of the five fundamental elements it represents air (VAYU
Between the simple
geometrical elements that compose YANTRAS there is also the square (BHUPURA).
The square is usually the exterior limit of the YANTRA and
symbolically, it represents the element earth (PRITHIVI TATTVA).Every YANTRA starts from
the center, often marked by a central dot (BINDU) and ends with the
outer square. This represents the sense of universal evolution,
starting from the subtle and ending with the coarse, starting from
"ether" and ending with "earth".Even tough most of the
times YANTRAS are composed of these simple geometrical shapes,
sometimes we encounter other elements such as arrow points,
tridents, swords, spikes included in the design of a YANTRA with the
purpose of representing vectors and directions of action for the
YANTRIC energies.The Lotus (PADMA)
The lotus symbol (or its
petals) is both a symbol of purity and variety, every lotus petal
representing a distinct aspect. The inclusion of a lotus in a YANTRA
represents freedom from multiple interference with the exterior
(purity) and expresses the absolute force of the Supreme Self.In conclusion, a YANTRA is
a very complex spiritual instrument in the tantric practice (SADHANA).
It can calm and focus the activities of the mind, and by its
positive auto-suggestion it has a benefic impact on the health and
psychic well being of a person.A YANTRA alone represents
nothing. Only when it is awakened by mental concentration and
meditation will the process of RESONANCE appear and the benefic
macrocosmic energies will manifest themselves in the practitioner's
As we showed above, the
secret key to using YANTRAS in meditation is RESONANCE. The process
of RESONANCE is established by mental focus on the image of the
YANTRA. As long as the mind is tuned into the specific mood
associated to that YANTRA, the energy flows, but when the RESONANCE
is stopped, the energy disappears.
The Sri Yantra The Tara Yantra
Instructions for YANTRA meditation :Hang the YANTRA on a wall
facing North or East, placing the center of the YANTRA at the level
of your eyes. Adopt your favorite posture or, if you want, sit on a
chair maintaining your spine straight. Breath in through the nose
and out through the mouth, but do not force at all, just let the
breath flow normally,Look into the center of
the YANTRA, trying to blink as rarely as possible; you don't want to
look at the particular details of the YANTRA, just keep your sight
right in the center and observe the whole YANTRA at once this
exercise should last at least 15-30 minutes every day; the
experience will be indescribable in time, after at least seven days
of YANTRA meditation you will be able to tap into the same yantric
energy even without a YANTRA (at the beginning you may fix your
sight on an exterior or imaginary point or evoke the YANTRA with
your eyes closed) do not forget to consecrate the fruits of this
practice to God (karma yoga); you should not chase any objective
when doing YANTRA meditation, just let it gradually guide you
towards the sublime energies of the MACROCOSM when executing this
techniques it is recommended that we maintain a state of aspiration
and intense longing for experiencing the beatific energies of the
in superior phases the YANTRA
absorbs the practitioner's complete attention, and he can no longer
tell if the YANTRA is within himself or if he is within the YANTRA;
this is the state of non duality.HOW MANTRAS ARE USEFUL All
our are problems are self created. Usually they are the outcome of
our Karma’s and the reasons can be checked from the individual
Horoscope. One's subconscious mind can help to find the solution
through meditation and recitation of Mantras. Purity of thoughts,
words and deeds, sincerity and deep seated. Belief in repeating
Mantras systematically and without any stress or strain on the brain
or body is the keynotes for the efficacy of Mantras.Concentrate and Meditate
without having any desires in mind. The Mantra should be recited
softly so as to be audible only to be person concerned and not to
others. Mantras should be recited in a pleasing musical tone, which
will help in concentration.Continuous Sadhana will
enable the Sadhaka to find solutions to the problems, attaining
peace of mind, reducing mental strain.FOOD: The Sadhaka should
have a light meal, hot and well cooked and in small quantity, as
over eating leads to the excitement of the sensory organs which
aggravate passions.Onions, Garlic and Meat
have stimulating effects on the sensory organs and will do more
harms to the body than good. Intoxicates and smoking of any kind
should be avoided.Lack of control in the
diet is a great obstacle to progress. Small quantities of wholesome
food purify the mind and a pure mind retains the memory of God. This
Asana is very useful to acquire Sidhi. Place one heel at the anus
and keep the other heel at the root of generative system. The feet
or legs should be so arranged that the ankle joints should touch
each other. Hands should be placed straight on the knee joints. Sit
for 15 minutes with closed eyes concentrating on God. This ASANA is
useful in curing rheumatism and keeps the mind and body in order.
focused if not closed, on the space between eyebrows (TRIKUTY).PADMA ASANA Place the
right foot on the left thigh and then carefully bring the left foot
on the right thigh. This is the physical position for the spiritual
process. One must press the tongue against the teeth and chin
against Heart. The sight should be focused on the tip of the nose.
Breathing should be slow. It destroys diseases.PRANAYAM Pranayam removes
all diseases, purifies the Nadis, steadies the mind in
concentration, improves digestion and increases the appetite. It
helps awaken the Kundalini. Sit in Padma or Sidhi Asana. Close the
right nostril with the thumb. Draw in the air very slowly through
the left nostril. Then do it likewise with the right nostril. Retain
the air as long as you can comfortable. Then exhale very slowly,
through the nostril after removing thumb or finger. Do 20 rounds in
the morning and in the evening. Increase it gradually.TRATAKA This involves
steady gazing at a particular point or object without blinking to
increase concentration. It is a very effective method to control the
mind and improve the eyesight and develop will power. It can be done
by concentration one's attention on a black or white dot on the
wall, a picture or on OM etc.POOJA: Diva or Deity
should be kept in one's mind while reciting the mantra. Each mantra
has tremendous force and draws maximum benefits. This can be
performed in three ways: - 1. Vaikhari (Verbal) by speaking loudly.
2. Upamsu (Whispering). 3. Mansik (Mental). 4. AGNI HOTRA: Homa is
performed with fire in accordance with prescribed ritual.
Yantras and PranapratishtaThe classical tantrik
surfaces are gold, silver, copper and Vishnu stone (shalagrama). The
point or bindu at the center generally represents the deity, Shiva
and Shakti united. The triangle normally represents the three gunas,
or in the case of the tantrik tradition, the three bindus. Triangles
usually face downwards in the case of female Yantras and upwards in
male Yantras. Enclosing circles and a group often surrounds
triangles or groups of petals, in which are the attendants of the
Devi or Diva. Finally, the whole is often enclosed in a Bhupura, a
word that means earth city. These are the enclosing walls, fenced by
the guardians of the directions and the intermediate directions (dikpalas).
Giving Life to a Shree CHAKRABefore any Yantra is a
suitable object for puja, it must be given life (pranapratishta).
The rite installs the 35 tattvas into the Yantra. It also gives the
Yantra the full set of senses and the Antahkarana, or subtle body.The Yantra Gayatri is
Yantra Rajaya Vidmahe Maha Yantraya Dhimahi Tanno Yantrah
are the Rishis of this great mantra installing life into the Shree
Yantra; Rg, Yajur, Sam and Atharva are the Metres; Consciousness is
the Devata; Aim is the Bija, Hreem the Shakti, Kroom the Kilaka.
Lakshmi The Deity Of Wealth -
Brings Good Fortune, Wealth, & Prosperity.
Lakshmi Mantra:
"Om Sri
Mahalakshmiaya Namaha"
THE TARA SADHANA FOR WEALTHThe chief among the ten
Mahavidyas or the powerful forms of Shakti, Tara bestows one with
wealth and prosperity. For thousands of years Her Sadhanas have been
popular among Rishis and Yogis, because once it is done with full
concentration success is sure to come and all one's materials
desires are fulfilled.This sadhana also bestows
Siddhi of Tara Mahavidya, which is a great spiritual achievement.
Also materially one gains all that to gain.THE SADHANA
Quick success is attained
if the Sadhana is started from Akshaya Trieeyaa or a Sunday. At
night have a bath, get into red robes and sit on a red mat facing
the South. If you don't have a red robe, then get into comfortable
clothing, and sit on a cushion on the floor. Cover a wooden seat
with red cloth and on it place a Tara Yantra. Next make seven heaps
of Sulfur in a row and on the fourth place an oil lamp. Mustard or
sesame oil could be used, these you can get at your health food
store. Before the lamp place a Tara Vastnaabh in a copper place.
First bathe it with water. Wipe it dry and offer it rice grains on
it. With a match stick write the following Mantra on the Tara
Vastnaabh with vermilion.
After this, light the lamp and some incense and with a red coral
rosary chant the following mantra:
Aum Ayiem Ka La Hreem Ayeim Taaraayei Siddhim Dehi Dehi Om Ayeim Ka
La Hreem Ayeim Namah.60 rounds of this mantra
have to be chanted daily for six days. The sixth day when the
Goddess appears pray to Her with folded hands to fulfil all your
wishes and gift you with gold daily. After six days place the Tara
Yantra in your place of worship and wrapping the Tara Vastnaabh in
the red cloth place it in some safe spot at home. Thus the Sadhana
is accomplished and soon one gains all that one wishes for.Without doubt this Sadhana
is nothing short of a miracle and whoever tries it faces no paucity
in life. Every Sadhak should try and accomplish it.
posted by VICKY @ 5:38 PM,
What is New Orleans Voodoo?
New Orleans Voodoo is a collection of practices handed down through oral tradition from African slaves for the purpose of improving the lives of practitioners. New Orleans Voodoo has evolved over time from a largely African tradition to one that has been influenced by virtually every culture that has lived in South Louisiana, most notably Native American mystical traditions and French and Spanish Catholicism.
New Orleans Voodoo practitioners do "work" to help their clients and themselves to navigate the challenges of life more effectively. This work may consist of burning candles, praying to the angels and/or saints, making Gris-Gris (talismans), or other activities that are designed to influence the outcome of a person's situation.
How did New Orleans Voodoo develop?
There is some dispute about the origins of New Orleans Voodoo. As one searches the Internet for information, one finds conflicting views about how New Orleans Voodoo evolved into what it is today. Our research indicates that New Orleans has had a rich heritage of African influence since the first slaves came to the French territory beginning in or around 1719. According to Gwendolyn Midlo Hall's Africans in Colonial Louisiana: The Development of Afro-Creole Culture in the Eighteenth Century, the Louisiana territory, New Orleans in particular, was thoroughly Africanized. On pages 158-159, she writes about the reasons for the strong African influence:
The chaotic conditions prevailing in the colony, the knowledge and skills of the African population, the size and importance of the Indian population throughout the eighteenth century, and the geography of lower Louisiana, which allowed for easy mobility along its waterways as well as escape and survival in the nearby, pervasive swamps, all contributed to an unusually cohesive and heavily Africanized culture in lower Louisiana: clearly, the most Africanized slave culture in the United States.
Given these remarks, it is easy to conclude that the religious practices of Africans survived, in part, for the same reasons. It already has been established by others' research that the numbers of slaves that actually came to North America straight from Africa were relatively small as compared to those sent to Latin America (particularly Brazil and present-day Honduras) and the Caribbean. Further, the slaves in North America routinely were mixed up and sold off by the slave-owners, most likely on purpose, to discourage the slaves from banding together into tribal groups that might have given strength to potential uprisings. However, unlike in Haiti, where a long period of isolation after the Haitian Revolution afforded the culture an opportunity to flourish relatively undisturbed, the slaves of North America never had such a period during which to more fully reconstruct their religious practices. The constant watch of government and church officials made it more challenging to maintain the religious side of the African practices, particularly, after the Americans purchased the Louisiana territory. Hence, the organized and outward practice of the religions tended to fall by the wayside in favor of the "work," which could be done individually and in private without arousing the suspicions of the authorities.
The major dispute that we have found in our research is whether or not the slaves that ended up thrown together managed to overcome language and cultural barriers to sufficiently to develop a solid lineage of Voodoo similar to what developed in Haiti or Santo Domingo. This question may never be adequately addressed. What we do know is that the strong African influences in South Louisiana had an impact on all segments of the culture, French, Spanish, Creole, and American.
Since African slaves and their descendants were the nannies, maids and confidants of many a slave holder (whether white or black Creoles) and the children, the ways of the Africans often made their way into non-slave culture in and around New Orleans in a way that may not have occurred in other parts of the US. It is not uncommon to hear accounts of non-blacks (women in particular) talking about the charms their nannies or chambermaids gave them to help them with some problem or another. Naturally, many of these charms were likely passed down by generations, even within the white families of Louisiana. How much has been lost is difficult to ascertain; fortunately, much has been retained through family lore.
Is New Orleans Voodoo the same as Haitian or Dominican Vodou?
Although Haitian and Dominican Vodou share certain components with New Orleans Voodoo, they are not the same. The fundamental difference seems to be less emphasis on the African religious traditions and more emphasis on the "work" in New Orleans Voodoo. The recent resurgence of interest in African religions throughout the US may change this, however, as more people from the US involve themselves in the traditional religious practices as practiced in the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa. Haitian and Dominican practitioners of Vodou honor their ancestors and the Loa, spirits that intercede in human life on a regular basis. In New Orleans Voodoo, there is largely emphasis on doing work, perhaps with the help of the Archangels and Saints of the Catholic religious pantheon.
What is the difference between New Orleans Voodoo and Hoodoo?
New Orleans Voodoo actually may be equated with Hoodoo in other parts of the country, although some would dispute this. Hoodoo tends to refer to the knowledge and practice of the "work" of the spirit without the strong emphasis on the religion. Voodoo, as practiced in New Orleans, tends to have the same emphasis, although some modern-day priests and priestesses initiated in Haiti, Benin, and other counties are working to bring back the emphasis on religion that has been lost over time.
People who practice Hoodoo in other parts of the country might be called root workers or root doctors as opposed to priests or priestesses of a religion. In New Orleans, practitioners of Voodoo may be called Doctor, Deacon, Bishop, Priestess, Queen, or any other number of titles. This may be, in part, because the influence of organized Christian religions on the region encouraged root workers to adopt titles such as these in order to establish their authority in an otherwise decentralized tradition.
Modern-day New Orleans Voodoo has been greatly influenced by a revival of interest in Voodoo that began during the late sixties and early seventies, in part due to tourism in the area, as well as the influence of Latin American and Caribbean cultures (particularly Cuban Santeria/Lukumi). It is not uncommon to find New Orleans Voodoo practitioners working with both the Orisha and the Loa.
Why are catholic saints used in New Orleans Voodoo?
New Orleans was, until fairly recently, predominantly a Catholic city. One could argue that even now New Orleans is one of the most Catholic cities in the United States. We have more Catholic churches per capita than almost every other US city of similar size. This is because until the Americans purchased the Louisiana territory, the controlling powers were either France or Spain, both historically Roman Catholic countries. Just as the African slaves in Haiti, Santo Domingo, and Brazil and the Natives of Latin America disguised their spirits under the Catholic saints, so did the slaves of South Louisiana. The major difference between what occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean versus South Louisiana seems to be the loss of the clear connection between the African entities and their catholic counterparts over time.
Is there an ethical construct in New Orleans Voodoo?
Technically, there is no standard of ethics in Voodoo; however, like all of life, we must remember that action leads to reaction. We would say use caution and do unto others as you would like others to do unto you. This does not protect you from evil intent; however, it protects your spirit from guilt which might weaken you if someone does do something that requires protective action on your part.
What do I do if I think someone has done work against me?
Before going to bed, cleanse a white household candle with Florida water and/or holy water. Anoint the candle with psychic or dream oil, light the candle, place a glass of water next to the candle and pray to your spirits for clarity and understanding of whatever is causing you distress. Do this for three nights in a row beginning on a Monday night. If you receive no clear answer by the end of the week, contact a root worker or tarot reader to see if he or she can determine why these issues have arisen in your life.
posted by VICKY @ 5:36 PM,
Haitian Vodouisants believe, in accordance with widespread African tradition, that there is one God who is the creator of all, referred to as "Bondyè" (from the French "Bon Dieu" or "Good God"). Bondyè is distinguished from the God of "the whites" in a dramatic speech by the houngan Boukman at Bwa Kayiman, but is often considered the same God of other religions, such as Christianity and Islam. Bondyè is distant from His/Her/Its creation though, and so it is the spirits or the "mysteries", "saints", or "angels" that the Vodouisant turns to for help, as well as to the ancestors. The Vodouisant worships God, and serves the spirits, who are treated with honor and respect as elder members of a household might be. There are said to be twenty-one nations or "nanchons" of spirits, also sometimes called "lwa-yo". Some of the more important nations of lwa are the Rada (corresponding to the Gbe-speaking ethnic groups in the modern-day Republic of Benin, Nigeria, and Togo); the Nago (synonymous with the Yoruba-speaking ethnicities in Nigeria, the Republic of Benin, and Togo); and the numerous West-Central African ethnicities united under the ethnonym Kongo. The spirits also come in "families" that all share a surname, like Ogou, or Ezili, or Azaka or Ghede. For instance, "Ezili" is a family, Ezili Dantor and Ezili Freda are two individual spirits in that family. The Ogou family are soldiers, the Ezili govern the feminine spheres of life, the Azaka govern agriculture, the Ghede govern the sphere of death and fertility. In Dominican Vodou, there is also an Agua Dulce or "Sweet Waters" family, which encompasses all Amerindian spirits. There are literally hundreds of lwa. Well known individual lwa include Danbala Wedo, Papa Legba Atibon, and Agwe Tawoyo.
In Haitian Vodou, spirits are divided according to their nature in roughly two categories, whether they are hot or cool. Cool spirits fall under the Rada category, and hot spirits fall under the Petwo category. Rada spirits are familial and congenial, while Petwo spirits are more combative and restless. Both can be dangerous if angry or upset, and despite claims to the contrary, neither is "good" or "evil" in relation to the other.
Everyone is said to have spirits, and each person is considered to have a special relationship with one particular spirit who is said to "own their head", however each person may have many lwa, and the one that owns their head, or the "met tet", may or may not be the most active spirit in a person's life in Haitian belief.
In serving the spirits, the Vodouisant seeks to achieve harmony with their own individual nature and the world around them, manifested as personal power and resourcefulness in dealing with life. Part of this harmony is membership in and maintaining relationships within the context of family and community. A Vodou house or society is organized on the metaphor of an extended family, and initiates are the "children" of their initiators, with the sense of hierarchy and mutual obligation that implies.
Most Vodouisants are not initiated, referred to as being "bosal"; it is not a requirement to be an initiate in order to serve one's spirits. There are clergy in Haitian Vodou whose responsibility it is to preserve the rituals and songs and maintain the relationship between the spirits and the community as a whole (though some of this is the responsibility of the whole community as well). They are entrusted with leading the service of all of the spirits of their lineage. Priests are referred to as "Houngans" and priestesses as "Mambos". Below the houngans and mambos are the hounsis, who are initiates who act as assistants during ceremonies and who are dedicated to their own personal mysteries. One does not serve just any lwa but only the ones they "have" according to one's destiny or nature. Which spirits a person "has" may be revealed at a ceremony, in a reading, or in dreams. However all Vodouisants also serve the spirits of their own blood ancestors, and this important aspect of Vodou practice is often glossed over or minimized in importance by commentators who do not understand the significance of it. The ancestor cult is in fact the basis of Vodou religion, and many lwa like Agasou (formerly a king of Dahomey) for example are in fact ancestors who are said to have been raised up to divinity.
posted by VICKY @ 5:35 PM,