Does Black Magic really work?
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Dr. Raj Baldev
Whether magic or black magic does exist, no question of modern people rejecting it. It is the energy that exists in every person, depending on one's thinking and nature of soul, pious or evil. This energy can be increased to a great extent either in giving benefits to a particular person or harming any other person, place or thing.A term taboo is also used for this. It was a custom among the Polynesians, who prohibited the use of certain persons, places orthings. It normally forbids the use of physical connections with a particular person or woman.They generally accepted opposite term for the black magic or darkmagic and that is white magic. The Black Magic has a negative connotation in American TV-Y which rates TV shows and they use the termof Magical DoRe Mi.Sorcery is a branch of basic magic that can influence certain desiredevents, objects, people and the places by its mystical supernatural powers to a great extent.Such Magical power affects have dual functions, they can heal as well as harm, and they can benefit as well as damage any person, place orthing. But more affectivity is related to negative power.
posted by VICKY @ 6:25 PM,
Voodoo –Medicine Magic by using Dolls
Author: Monica. May 17, 2007
Voodoo was first used in Africa for healing by Voodoo Doctors for soldiers who were injured in war, for pregnant woman who couldn’t come to the doctor or people far away.The technique of effigy or using dolls (to help another person) can be effectively performed even from a long distance. The effigy should be drawn basing on the photograph of the person, place or thing and it can be made out of the material of drygrass or wooden material or waste. The material is perfect to perform the supernatural power. It helps even tracing the lost children, womenor persons.Whatever part one wants to damage or harm others, it has to be specifically targeted and to achieve a proper result, and the expert performance of the mystical power has to be deployed. By doing so, itis likely to affect the same portion of the person, place or thing, asdesired. If not performed properly, it can fall flat and can give adverse effect to the doer or the person who gets it done. Such supernatural powers can cause the chosen diseases only to a person placed in one's ritual range. It can also cause physical injury to the body, can cause fit or even heart attack, or can cause an accident and can also make a person lunatic by misusing this power even from any distant place. It easily affects the pregnant woman,children and a common person with average will power.The degree of effect depends on the expert magical techniques employed to achieve the goal.Those who practice properly and attain expertise can do only do it, it is not an easy job, it has to face exceptions where this rule or force does not apply.Before performing such a skill, one should remember that the person, place or thing on which the black magic or sorcery is performed to cause damage should not have an ability to rebut the power, in certain cases, it can even refute and can harm the performer and make him or her crippled. The black magic done for malefic purposes may not affect the holy men,holy places, holy things and govt. agencies and their representatives being collective force or group, state or country. It does not affect the judges or kings and the rulers, being part of the government or state. It only applies to a single person, place or thing which does not fall in any category of exceptions.
posted by VICKY @ 6:23 PM,