Protection from Black Magic
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I need guidance and advice on how to protect from human black magic and evil / jinn. I have been facing some problems for some time now. How I can get advice and guidance and from whom and where?
Black magic (sihr) is something that definitely exists and causes harm to people. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) was also afflicted with black magic.
A Jew by the name of Labid ibn Asim who outwardly posed to be a believer (munafiq) carried out black magic on the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace). He took the hair of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and made eleven knots and placed it under a rock in a well called Zarwan. The effect of this was that it created uncertainty in the mind of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) as to whether he had done or not done certain things (although this had no effect on his religious and prophetic obligations). At times the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) felt he had accomplished something yet he had not done so and vice versa. The angel Jibra’il informed the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) as to what had occurred and came down with the two Surahs, namely Surah al-Falaq and Surah an-Nas. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) together with the Companions (Allah be pleased with them all) went to the well and removed the knotted hair. As each verse was recited, the knots untied miraculously. At the eleventh knot, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) was relieved from the effects of this black magic. (See: Tafisir Ibn Kathir & Ma’arif al-Qur’an)
Thus, scholars mention that the recitation of the Mu’awwazatayn (the two Quls: al-Falaq and al-Nas) is very beneficial in the removing of and protection from black magic. One should make a habit of reciting these especially when retiring to bed and after the Fardh prayers. There are many virtues of these two Surahs mentioned in the Ahadith.
Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) narrates that whenever the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) would become ill, he would recite the Mu’awwizat (Surah al-Falaq & Surah an-Nas) and blow over himself. When his illness was aggravated, I used to recite these two Surahs (and blow my breath) over him and make him rub his body with his own hand, for its blessings. (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 4728)
Apart from these two Surahs, the recitation of Surah al-Fatiha, Ayat al-Kursi, and last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah is also very beneficial.
Moreover, the famous Tibi’i Ka’b al-Ahbar (Allah be pleased with him) states: “Had it not been for the phrases that I recite regularly, the Jews would have turned me into a donkey (m: out of black magic). It was said to him: “What are these phrases?” He replied:
(Transliteration): “A’uzu bi wajhillah al-Adhim alladhi laysa shay’un a’dhamu minhu wa bi kalimatillah at-tammati allati la yujawizuhunna barrun wa la fajir wa bi asmaillah al-husna kulliha ma alimtu minha wa ma lam a’lam min sharri ma khalaqa wa bara’a wa zara’a.”
Translation: “I seek the protection of Allah the Great; He, than whom there is nothing greater. And I seek the protection of the perfect words of Allah which no man, virtuous or evil, can even transcend; and I seek the protection of all the beautiful names of Allah, those of them which I know and those which I do not know, from the evil of everything He (Allah) created, to which He has given existence, and which He has spread (over the earth or universe).”
(Recorded by Imam Malik in his al-Muwatta, 2/541, no. 2737)
Thus, the above supplication can be very beneficial in the removing of the effect of black magic.
Also, the consuming of Ajwa dates has been prescribed by the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) as a remedy for black magic.
Amir ibn Sa’d narrates from his father that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “He who eats seven Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 5130)
The above are just some of the methods in removing the effect of black magic that have been prescribed in the Sunnah, thus one may resort to any of them. There are also other remedies besides the above, but time does not allow me to mention them all.
Finally, before parting, I would like to state that undoubtedly black magic is something that exits but it is observed that many people experience some type of downfall or illness and quickly jump to the conclusion that somebody has carried out black magic and start pointing fingers at others. If a child refuses to marry someone whom the parents want him/her to marry, then the parents begin to regard it to be the cause of black magic. Similarly, if the relations of the husband and wife turn sour, the first assumption is that it must be black magic that was carried out by such and such person. Black magic is regarded to be the cause behind every minor and major illness.
This type of understanding is incorrect. One should not be too hasty in concluding that the cause of a problem is black magic, because more often than not, black magic has nothing to do with the problem.
Secondly, due to this, many people have made it a business, in that they deceive people in making them believe that they have some sort of black magic done upon them, thus they are charged with a massive sum for the treatment. People have made thousands in this business.
Thus, one should be very careful in these matters, for in it rests the benefit of this world and the hereafter. Do not be too hasty in determining that the cause behind the problem is black magic. However, if there is substantial evidence such as the sudden break of illness, etc, then one may determine whether it is the cause of black magic or otherwise. And in the case of being afflicted with it, one must primarily turn to Allah Most High and resort to the remedies mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Also, if the help of others is sought, then one should only turn to those who are god-fearing and pious.
posted by VICKY @ 11:45 AM,
Real Black Magic
This kind of magic is no doubt the closest to an act of real magic in existence, and one of the easiest kinds of illusions to perform. The magician enters the stage wearing a white outfit, then slowly the lights go down. In the end, the audience sees only the magician because he or she is dressed in a white outfit and the stage now is dark. The performer then commands any desired item to appear, float and then disappear. People, animals, flowers, tables, everything the magician wants seems to appear, vanish or float at a command. But the performer goes even further by sawing a woman in half as she stands before the audience. Each half then moves about the stage on its own. Eventually the performer may put the hal ves back together, or may simply make them vanish. There is absolutely no end to what the performer can do. In the end the lights come back up and the performer can either be on stage alone again, or the stage now can be completely filled with the magical appearanc es of all the items from the show.
The secret: This is field of magic which has all but been abandoned in present performance. To me it seems that present day magicians are looking for more mechanical tricks so they do not need to act as much, or work as hard. Someone will come along soon, I'm sure, who will begin to perform this style of magic again.
The staging is the main concern. The back curtain or backdrop is flat black. The performer is dressed in white, or other light-colored outfit. The performer should also wear a mask or have his face touched up with make-up. Hands should be gloved, or covered in make-up. This will make the performers hand and face stand out against the black backdrop.
In the dark, with only black light lighting shining on the stage, everything which is black is unseen by the audience. Everything which glows in a black light will be seen by the audience.
During the late sixties and early seventies, black light-sensitive posters and art had a great comeback. The poster would seem to shine in the darkness of the black light. Elements not visible in the light of day would become visible with the black lights shining. To make anything appear, just have your black-clad assistant carry them onto the stage. Because the assistant is completely dressed in black, they are not seen by the audience. (their faces and hands are black, too) The object they carry will seemingly float onto the stage. Or, you can reach behind the curtain center (where two curtains meet) and produce the objects.
If the object is black on one side and black light-sensitive on the other, you can carry it onto the stage and make it appear and disappear simply by turning it around. People, too, can vanish and appear if they hide behind a cloth of black or a board painted black. Incidently, adding a strobe light gives the effect an even more amazing effect, although I wouldn't suggest having the strobe light on too much or too often. It does hurt the eyes. The constant flashing light turns the stage into a wave of movement.
Because your act is limited only by your creativity, you should let your imagination go wild. Forget about traditional magic, you wont need tricks. Just look at your stage as your land of imagination. A place where anything can happen.
To float someone, have an assistant lie down on a black plywood board. Then have two of your black-clad assistants lift the board. The assistant is then floating and can float right off the stage into the wings.
I have had both the opportunity to perform in black light and to see a black light performance. It is truly the most amazing sight to behold. The magic of items appearing and vanishing, objects floating in mid- air. Really amazing.
When you perform black art effects, you can see everything on the stage because you are so close to the action. You may forget how dramatic it all looks to the audience. But try to keep in mind that black art is truly the most magnificent art form of magic. You will appreciate it more if you have your show video taped so you, the performer can review the show. As a television spectacle, black art magic is truly well-fitted. Why? The set which you work can be totally dark, while the people at home are in whatever light they choose.
Doing black art magic on television is the next best thing to trick photography. The camera only sees what you want it to see. Black art is truly the cleverest and easiest magic to perform.
But beware: Black art illusions are obviously not meant fo r close-up or for small shows of any type. And fire regulations may restrict the amount of darkness. You may also have trouble finding a club which is willing to turn the lights so low.
A way to combat the club's skittishness is to have low lighting facing away from the stage area and into the audience. This arrangement will actually enhance the invisibility of the act. However, this illusion, when performed in total darkness, has effects which are truly eerie.
Black art is labor intensive, but this problem can be overcome by using backdrops which hide your props.
The best illusions in black art will float, appear, have objects or even people vanish then magically transpose from place to place across the stage. The act can end with the magician causing him or herself slowly vanish, from the ground up, or simply float away, off the stage. To vanish from ground up, have an assistant cover the magician with a black mini-curtain .
However you decide to end this act, you must clearly script what you will do and maintain the script. A story line or play line would be suggested. You could even use a children's fairy-tale as the script. Just because the act is in the dark, don't be afraid to talk to the audience during the show. The effect of your voice will be greatly amplified because the stage is black. Your audience will be more focused on what you are saying since they will be limited to what they are seeing. The lessening of one sense heightens another.
posted by VICKY @ 11:42 AM,
underground hypnosis
Efficient Quit Smoking Hypnosis By Nguang Nguek Fluek By Nguek-Fluek Nguang Smoking cessation is a very hard work. The most difficult problem that a smoker has to solve is that of his psyche. It is difficult to try to give up smoking as long as the smoker himself is not really convinced that he wants to do this. So the first important thing to do is to find a powerful motivation and to have a strong will. If necessary, these will be completed by some others alternative methods.It is unquestionable the fact that actually smoking is not so much a physical addiction as it is a psychological one. Everything has to begin from this side of a smoker. Using all kinds of treatments is useless as long as there is no change in the mind. And it is exactly here that quit smoking
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hypnosis operates.This is the most significant reason why this method seems to be so successful. A lot of surveys and reports have demonstrated the fact that even if quit smoking
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hypnosis is a rather new method it has proved its efficacy in a great number of cases. The results of numerous tests all over the world had shown that
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hypnosis is one of the most effective aids in the cessation of smoking.Quit smoking
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hypnosis is an approach based on some principles that are scientific psychological. It shows some similarities with the individual counseling. This method consists of some recording in the form of CDs or cassettes that are listened regularly by the one who is seeking to be free of cigarettes. When being a heavy smoker this
We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to hypnosis that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.
And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our underground hypnosis website.
A trance-like state in which a person becomes more aware and focused and is more open to suggestion.
posted by VICKY @ 11:37 AM,
Worrying About the Effects of Black Magic
Q. Whenever something goes wrong in the house or with anyone in my family, I think that it is caused by a magic spell. How to counter magic and ensure that it will not affect us.
K. Mumu
A. Magic exists, since it is mentioned in the Qur’an. Yet magic has no substance. It is a trick played on human mind so that a person thinks that he sees something when it is not there, or he might not see something when it is there. Yet magic is not commonly practiced anywhere, because only few people are adept at it and they treat it as a secret they want to guard. Such people are normally unstable, or are motivated by greed and other obnoxious feelings.
Anyone who is leading a normal life is unlikely to ever meet a person who practices black magic. Hence, you should not worry about what is happening around you. Remember that life is a series of adversities that are interspersed with delightful moments. This is natural because life is a test, and tests are meant to involve difficulties. When you meet a certain difficulty, you should always seek God’s help to overcome it.
As for help to overcome the effects of magic, should one be ever exposed to it, reading the last two surahs of the Qur’an is very effective. The thing to remember, however, is to read them with strong conviction of their meaning and their effectiveness.
Traveling to Join Mahram
Q. My mother wants to travel to Saudi Arabia to perform pilgrimage. However, she has no mahram there to travel with her, apart from one of our cousins and his wife. When she arrives, she will be joined with her sons who work here. Is this acceptable?
A. Yes. This is perfectly acceptable. Scholars speak about “safe companionship” as a substitute for mahram. This means a woman traveling with trusted companions who can look after her. But this was in times when travel took days and weeks. In today’s travel, a woman traveling by plane on her own with passengers unknown to her is also in “safe companionship”. Since the lady in question will have her two sons looking after her after her arrival, she is fine.§ion=0&article=69945&d=15&m=9&y=2005
posted by VICKY @ 11:35 AM,