meditation and how to meditate.


Meditation is a technique, or practice that usually involves focus on an
object, perhaps a candle, a sound or your breath. If you are having trouble
with focus or concentration?

As you meditate the number of random thoughts occurring diminishes, as does
your attachment to these thoughts, and your identification with them. This
is because you are usually not aware of all the mental activity that you are
engaged in.

allows your mind activity to settle down and results in you becoming more
peaceful, calm and focused.

Meditation is
great for stress management. Remember stress occurs in your mind, that
doesn't make it less real. It means your mind is the key to remove stress
from your life. You will experience, relaxation, increased awareness, mental
focus, clarity and a sense of peace if meditation is practiced regularly.

The following physiological effects of meditation have been documented

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Lower pulse rate

  • Decreased metabolic rate

  • Changes in the concentration of serum levels of various substances.

Meditate frequently and you will find that you gain a deeper
understanding of yourself through the observation of what occurs in your
mind. You will find that you gain valuable insights into who you really are.

Don't forget your free ebook 'Unlock your personal power' which you can
obtain by putting your details into the subscription box up on the right
hand side of this page.

posted by VICKY @ 9:27 AM,


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